A band of youthful heroes,
Within our Maiden Walls,
Once dar'd a tyrant?s mandates,
As history recalls,
Despising threats and shackles,
That would have seal'd their woes,
They thundered forth defiance
Against insulting foes.
Huzza, then, for the Crimson Flag,
That floated brisk and gay!
And wav'd defiance to the foes
Huzza! Huzza! Huzza!
A monarch once in martial mood
Our walls in state approach'd
Demanding entrance but he found
His presence had encroach'd,
A burst repugnant to his ears
Saluted from within,
He wheel'd about, and fled through fear,
In spite of "shame or sin."
Huzza, then, for the Crimson Flag,
That floated brisk and gay!
And wav'd defiance to the foes
Huzza! Huzza! Huzza!
Away went James with whip and spur,
And foremost drove his steed,
Nor look'd behind but wistfully
Mountgavelin sought with speed,
To Dublin next he sped his way,
And sorely did he rue,
To Derry e'er he set his face,
Its "rebels to subdue."
Huzza, then, for the Crimson Flag,
That floated brisk and gay!
And wav'd defiance to the foes
Huzza! Huzza! Huzza!
A ruthless force surrounded had our city
Doom'd they thought,
But soon they found their false hopes
Had gained less than they sought,
A corps of dauntless heros
Our sires in days of yore
Rush'd boldly out upon the foe,
And scorned the cannon's roar.
Huzza, then, for the Crimson Flag,
That floated brisk and gay!
And wav'd defiance to the foes
Huzza! Huzza! Huzza!
When gallant Browning led the van
Each pulse beat high with praise,
Rever?d the power that rul'd their fate
Their drooping hearts to raise,
Whilst famine, fever, raged within,
The savage hordes around
Foil'd took a hasty moonlight flight,
And left the tented ground.
Huzza, then, for the Crimson Flag,
That floated brisk and gay!
And wav'd defiance to the foes
Huzza! Huzza! Huzza!
Let tyrants rule with infamy,
And serfs and slaves trepan,
Religion, life and liberty
Are dear to every man,
Victoria reigns supreme with us
Let others dare say nay,
Who snarl and puff or proudly boast
Britiannia bears the sway.
Huzza, then, for the Crimson Flag,
That floated brisk and gay!
And wav'd defiance to the foes
Huzza! Huzza! Huzza!